Haydock's Catholic Bible Commentary, 1859 edition.

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2 ESDRAS - Chapter 3

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2 Esdras iii.

Notes & Commentary:

Ver. 1. Priest, the third since the captivity, son (Calmet) or brother of Joachim. (Lyranus) --- Flock-gate, near which was probably the miraculous pool, John v. 2. But the situation of these gates is not ascertained. --- Sanctified it, beginning the work (Calmet) with some religious ceremonies. (Junius) --- It was designed to protect God's temple; and therefore, when finished, they dedicated it (Worthington) with solemnity, as they did all the walls, chap. xii. 27. The like custom is observed on laying the foundation-stone of our temples. (Haydock) Sanctified may also mean, cleared away the rubbish. (Vatable) (Tirinus) --- Hundred. Hebrew Mea. --- Cubits is not in the original, Septuagint or Syriac, (Calmet) though it seems to be understood. The ancient Jerusalem had twelve principal gates, four east, north, and west. There were none on the south, where Mount Sion lay. (Tirinus) --- The priests and others undertook this work, considering their eternal as well as their temporal inheritance. (Du Hamel)

Ver. 6. Old gate, or of the judges, who there assembled. (Lyranus)

Ver. 7. For the. Hebrew, "for (Calmet; or) unto the throne of the governor on this side of the river." (Protestants) (Haydock) --- These people worked near the palace, which had been built for the Persian governor, who came to administer justice, till the time of Esdras, chap. v. 15., and 1 Esdras vii. 25. Perhaps the governor of Syria had (Haydock) assisted the Jews, unless Nehemias himself be meant. (Menochius)

Ver. 8. Goldsmith and perfumer, are plural in Hebrew. --- Left, 400 cubits, (Tirinus) as the wall was not demolished, (Menochius) having been repaired by Ozias just before the coming of the Chaldeans, 2 Paralipomenon xxvi. 9. (Tirinus) --- Hebrew, "they pushed forward, (repaired, Calmet; or) paved, (Du Dieu) or fortified Jerusalem unto the broad wall." (Protestants) --- The Septuagint copies vary: some read, they placed, (restored) etheka. (Complutensian) But the Roman edition has, "they left." (Du Hamel)

Ver. 9. Street. Protestants, "of the half part," (Haydock) belonging to Benjamin. Sellum was the inspector of that part which fell to the share of Juda, ver. 12., and chap. iv. 19. (Grotius) --- Jerusalem, like all great cities, was divided into parts. (Calmet)

Ver. 10. House. Thus he would be induced to do the work more perfectly. (Menochius)

Ver. 11. Built. Hebrew, "repaired the other piece," or the part of the wall which corresponded with half a division, as in the following ver. 12, 15, 24, &c.

Ver. 12. Alohes, "the enchanter," (Calmet) as he could perhaps enchant serpents. (Grotius) --- Daughters, who forwarded the work, as they had no brothers. (Menochius)

Ver. 14. Bethacharam, in the tribe of Benjamin, Jeremias vi. 1.

Ver. 15. King's garden. This fountain is mentioned, Isaias viii. 6., and John ix. 7. --- Steps. The place was so steep, chap. xii. 36.

Ver. 16. Labour, by Ezechias, for a reservoir, 2 Paralipomenon xxxii. 4. --- Mighty men of David, (1 Paralipomenon xi. 10.) or the king's guards, (Calmet) or the garrison. (Menochius)

Ver. 17. Ceila, in the tribe of Juda. He inspected the workmen from this place.

Ver. 19. Strong corner, noted for some fortress, tower, (Calmet) or arsenal. (Vatable) (Du Hamel) --- Septuagint, "the ascent connecting the corner." (Haydock)

Ver. 20. Mount Sion. (Menochius) --- Hebrew and Septuagint, "earnestly repaired;" (Haydock) being indignant at the negligence of his neighbour, or undertaking his work with zeal. (Calmet)

Ver. 22. Plains. Septuagint, "from Chechar," retaining the original term cucar, which means "a plain." It lay in the environs of Jerusalem, chap. xii. 28. --- Of the Jordan, is not in Hebrew, &c. (Calmet) --- They might be natives of that place. (Sa) (Vatable) (Menochius)

Ver. 26. Ophel. A very strong tower. See 2 Paralipomenon xxvii. 3., and xxxiii. 14. --- East of the great court of the temple, from which it was not remote, as Esdras here harangued the people, chap. xii. 36., and 3 Esdras viii. 1. Out of the gate was a pond of water, (Calmet) for the service of the temple. (Menochius)

Ver. 28. Horse-gate, by which the king's horses were led to water, at the torrent Cedron. It was near the temple and palace, 4 Kings xi. 16. (Calmet) --- Some Rabbins assert that people were obliged to alight here, and to go on foot to the temple. (Lyranus)

Ver. 29-30. After him, Semaia; as the Septuagint, &c., intimate; and not (Calmet) "after me," as if Nehemias spoke of himself, as some Hebrew copies require. (Junius) (Grotius) --- Treasury, or "room." (Pagnin) --- Judgment. Septuagint, "Maphekad." Hebrew mopkod. Protestants, "miphkad," (Haydock) may signify "command, review," &c. We can only guess at the reason of this appellation. (Calmet) --- Perhaps the causes of the Nathinites were here decided, (Menochius) as well as those of others. It seems to be the same with the watch-gate, (chap. xii. 38.) and led not out of the city, but into the street of the Nathinites. (Tirinus)

Bible Text & Cross-references:

They begin to build the walls: the name and order of the builders.

1 Then *Eliasib, the high priest, arose, and his brethren, the priests, and they built the flock-gate: they sanctified it, and set up the doors thereof, even unto the tower of a hundred cubits they sanctified it unto the tower of Hananeel.

2 And next to him the men of Jericho built: and next to them built Zachur, the son of Amri.

3 But the fish-gate, the sons of Asnaa, built: they covered it, and set up the doors thereof, and the locks, and the bars. And next to them built Marimuth, the son of Urias, the son of Accus.

4 And next to him built Mosollam, the son of Barachias, the son of Merezebel, and next to them built Sadoc, the son of Baana.

5 And next to them the Thecuites built: but their great men did not put their necks to the work of their Lord.

6 And Joiada, the son of Phasea, and Mosollam, the son of Besodia, built the old gate: they covered it, and set up the doors thereof, and the locks, and the bars.

7 And next to them built Meltias, the Gabaonite, and Jadon, the Meronathite, the men of Gabaon and Maspha, for the governor that was in the country beyond the river.

8 And next to him built Eziel, the son of Araia, the goldsmith: and next to him built Ananias, the son of the perfumer: and they left Jerusalem unto the wall of the broad street.

9 And next to him built Raphaia, the son of Hur, lord of the street of Jerusalem.

10 And next to him Jedaia, the son of Haromaph, over-against his own house: and next to him built Hattus, the son of Hasebonia.

11 Melchias, the son of Herem, and Hasub, the son of Phahath Moab, built half the street, and the tower of the furnaces.

12 And next to him built Sellum, the son of Alohes, lord of half the street of Jerusalem, he and his daughters.

13 And the gate of the valley Hanun built, and the inhabitants of Zanoe: they built it, and set up the doors thereof, and the locks, and the bars, and a thousand cubits in the wall unto the gate of the dunghill.

14 And the gate of the dunghill, Melchias, the son of Rechab, built, lord of the street of Bethacharam: he built it, and set up the doors thereof, and the locks, and the bars.

15 And the gate of the fountain, Sellum, the son of Cholhoza, built, lord of the street of Maspha: he built it, and covered it, and set up the doors thereof, and the locks, and the bars, and the walls of the pool of Siloe, unto the king's garden, and unto the steps that go down from the city of David.

16 After him built Nehemias, the son of Azboc, lord of half the street of Bethsur, as far as over-against the sepulchre of David, and to the pool, that was built with great labour, and to the house of the mighty.

17 After him built the Levites, Rehum, the son of Benni. After him built Hasebias, lord of half the street of Ceila, in his own street.

18 After him built their brethren Bavai, the son of Enadad, lord of half Ceila.

19 And next to him Aser, the son of Josue, lord of Maspha, built another measure, over-against the going up of the strong corner.

20 After him in the mount, Baruch, the son of Zachai, built another measure, from the corner to the door of the house of Eliasib, the high priest.

21 After him Merimuth, the son of Urias, the son of Haccus, built another measure, from the door of the house of Eliasib, to the end of the house of Eliasib.

22 And after him built the priests, the men of the plains of the Jordan.

23 After him built Benjamin and Hasub, over-against their own house: and after him built Azarias, the son of Maasias, the son of Ananias, over-against his house.

24 After him built Bennui, the son of Hanadad, another measure, from the house of Azarias unto the bending, and unto the corner.

25 Phalel, the son of Ozi, over-against the bending and the tower, which lieth out from the king's high house, that is, in the court of the prison: after him Phadaia, the son of Pharos.

26 And the Nathinites dwelt in Ophel, as far as over-against the water-gate toward the east, and the tower that stood out.

27 After him the Thecuites built another measure over-against, from the great tower that standeth out unto the wall of the temple.

28 And upward from the horse-gate, the priests built, every man over-against his house.

29 After them built Sadoc, the son of Emmer, over-against his house. And after him built Semaia, the son of Sechenias, keeper of the east-gate.

30 After him built Hanania, the son of Selemia, and Hanun, the sixth son of Seleph, another measure: after him built Mosollam, the son of Barachias, over-against his treasury. After him Melchias, the goldsmith's son, built unto the house of the Nathinites, and of the sellers of small wares, over-against the judgment-gate, and unto the chamber of the corner,

31 And within the chamber of the corner in the flock-gate, the goldsmiths and the merchants built.



1: Year of the World 3550, Year before Christ 454.