Romans ix.
Notes & Commentary:
Ver. 3. I
wished myself to be an anathema from Christ.[1] The word anathema, according to its derivation, signifies a thing
separated or laid apart for some particular use. Hence it was put to signify things given and consecrated to God, which therefore
used to be presented and hung up in temples. 2. The word also was applied to signify things whose destruction
was resolved upon, that is, men or things separated for destruction, as sometimes, men deputed to be sacrificed to
the gods to appease their anger. This signification was according to the Hebrew word cherem, and the Syriac word horma,
as Numbers xxi. 3. He called the name of that place Horma, that is, anathema; because it was to be entirely
destroyed. See 1 Machabees v. Hence anathema was also used for a curse, and to anathematize, to curse.
See Acts xxiii. 14. The sense of this place is differently expounded. Tolet, by the word I wished, or I did wish,
thinks that St. Paul might speak of the time before his conversion, when out of a false zeal, he wished to be separated from
Christ, and from all Christians: and that he brings this to shew his brethren how zealous he had been for their religion.
But this wish of St. Paul is generally expounded as proceeding from the great love and charity he had, when he was an apostle,
for the conversion and salvation of his brethren, the Jews, who mostly remained obstinate and incredulous: and some will have
it to be no more than a hyperbolical expression of his great love and affection for them. Others, with St. Jerome, ep. ad
Algasiam, tom. iv. p. 203. Ed. Ben. think that by this way of speaking, St. Paul signifies himself willing to be sacrificed,
by undergoing any death for their conversion: but St. Chrysostom (hom. xvi.) thinks this far short of the sublime charity
of St. Paul; for by such a death, says he, he would not be separated from Christ, but would be a great gainer by it;
since by that means he would soon be free from all the troubles and sufferings of a miserable life, and blessed with the company
and enjoyment of Christ in the kingdom of his glory. He, and many others, think that St. Paul was so troubled and grieved
to the heart at the obstinacy of the unbelieving Jews, at their blasphemies against Christ, and their eternal perdition, that
an extraordinary charity and zeal for God's honour, and their salvation, made him wish even to endure a separation from Christ,
and from the glory prepared for him in heaven, though not from the love, or from the grace of Christ. If this, says St. Chrysostom,
seems incredible to us, it is because we are far from such heroic dispositions of the love of God, and of our neighbours.
(Witham) --- The apostle's concern and love for his countrymen, the Jews, was so great, that he was willing even to suffer
an anathema, or curse, for their sake; or any evil that could come upon him, without his offending God. (Challoner)
Ver. 4-5. To
whom belongeth the adoption of children. Literally, whose is the adoption. He mentions the favours which God had
done to his people, the Jews. As, 1. That God had adopted them for his elect people. 2. That he had glorified them with so
many miracles. 3. That he had made a particular covenant and alliance with them. 4. Given them a written law. 5. Prescribed
the manner they should worship him. 6. Promises of divers blessings. 7. Who are from the Fathers. Literally,
whose are the Fathers; i.e. who descended from the patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, &c. 8. Of whose race, i.e.
of the family of David, Jesus Christ, as man, was born. --- Who is over all things God,[2] blessed for ever. Amen.
Though the apostles did not often, in express words, call Jesus Christ the God, lest the heathens, when they were not
sufficiently instructed, should imagine that there were many gods, (as divers of the fathers take notice) yet here, and in
several places, they clearly delivered the divinity of our Saviour, Christ. The Socinians might here observe, that the apostle
calls him the God blessed for ever, and with the Greek article. (Witham)
Ver. 6-7. Not
as though the word of God hath failed in his promises made to Abraham, and the patriarchs. The Jews pretended that the
promises were made to them only, and to those that were of their race, and that the Gentiles were not to partake of them.
St. Paul shews them their mistake, by telling them who are to be esteemed the true children of Abraham, and of the patriarchs,
according to the promises which God made, and who are not. (Witham) --- All are not Israelites, &c. Not all, who
are the carnal seed of Israel, are true Israelites in God's account: who, as by his free grace he heretofore
preferred Isaac before Ismael, and Jacob before Esau, so he could, and did by the like free grace, election, and mercy, raise
up spiritual children by faith to Abraham and Israel, from among the Gentiles, and prefer them before the carnal Jews. (Challoner)
--- Neither are all they, who are of the seed of Abraham, his true spiritual children, to whom these promises were
made: nor are all they who are descended from Isaac the children of these promises nor are all they true Israelites,
to whom these blessings were promised, although they are descended from Israel; but only they who are the children
of the patriarchs by faith in Jesus, the Messias, in whom God promised that he would bless all nations. (Witham)
Ver. 9. To prove
that the children of Abraham are the children of the promise, he adduces the passage of Scripture: "I will come in a year's
time, and Sara shall have a son." (Genesis xviii.) This promised child was Isaac, the true son of the promise of God, and
of the faith of Abraham; and not the son of the flesh, for Ismael was this as well as Isaac; but he was granted to the prayers
of Abraham, a child of the grace and mercy of God. All the faithful, therefore, of whatever race or nation they may be, are
in this sense the children of Abraham, by being gratuitously chosen by God, and by the fidelity in which they are imitators
of Abraham. (Calmet)
Ver. 10. &c.
And not only she (Sara) brought forth Isaac, who was the only child of Abraham, to whom the promises descended, though
he was the father of Ismael, by Agar, and of all the Ismaelites. And lest the Jews should say that the Ismaelites, though
descending from Abraham, according to the flesh, were not to be reputed as his children for another reason, because they came
of Agar, who was only the handmaid of Sara; he brings them another example to which they could make no such reply; to wit,
that Rebecca also at once had two sons of Isaac, Esau and Jacob; where, though Esau was the first-born,
these promises were not reputed as made to him, and his descendants, the Idumeans, who were equally the descendants of Isaac,
yet not the favourite people, nor the children of God, as the Jews saw very well. (Witham) --- Not yet born. By this
example of these twins, and the preference of the younger to the elder, the drift of the apostle is, to shew that God, in
his election, mercy, and grace, is not tied to any particular nation, as the Jews imagined, nor to any prerogative of birth,
or any foregoing merits. For as, antecedently, to his grace, he sees no merit in any, but finds all involved in sin, in the
common mass of condemnation; and all children of wrath; there is no one whom he might not justly leave in that mass; so that
whomsoever he delivers from it, he delivers in his mercy: and whomsoever he leaves in it, he leaves in his justice. As when,
of two equally criminal, the king is pleased out of pure mercy to pardon one, whilst he suffers justice to take place in the
execution of the other. (Challoner) --- Nor had done any good or evil. God was pleased to prefer, and promise his blessings
to the younger of them, Jacob, declaring that the elder shall serve the younger; that is, that the seed of the elder
should be subject to that of the younger, as it happened afterwards to the Idumeans. And the prophet, Malachias, said of them,
I have loved Jacob, but hated Esau, and turned his mountains into a desert, &c. --- That the purpose of God,
his will, and his decree, (see the foregoing chap. ver. 28.) might stand according to election, might be, not according
to any works they had done, or that he foresaw they would do, but merely according to his mercy. And though the preference
which God gave to Jacob was literally true, as to temporal benefits; yet St. Augustine observes in divers places, that Jacob
was a figure of the elect or predestinate, and Esau of the reprobate; and that as Jacob and his posterity was more favoured,
purely by the mercy of God, without any merits on their side; so are God's elect, whom he has called, and to whom, according
to his eternal purpose, he decreed to give eternal glory, and special graces to bring them thither. (Witham)
Ver. 14. What
shall we say, then? Is there injustice with God, when he bestows special favours and benefits on some, and not on others?
He answers, by no means. And he justifies almighty God's conduct, ver. 22. In the mean time, it is certain that there
is no injustice in not giving what another has no right to: and besides all men having sinned, deserved punishment. If then,
he shews mercy to some, it is an effect of his goodness and liberality only which they do not deserve. If he leaves others
in their sins, they are only punished according to their deserts. His mercy shines upon his elect; and his divine justice
is displayed against the wicked and the reprobate, but only according to what they have deserved. (Witham)
Ver. 15-16.
I will have mercy, &c. Then it is not of him that willeth, &c. By these words he again teaches that
God's call and predestination of those whom he has decreed to save, is not upon account of any works or merits in men, but
only to be attributed to the mercy and goodness of God. See St. Thomas Aquinas on this chap. lect. iii. See St. Augustine,
Encher. chap. xcviii. Epis. 194. in the new Ed. Ep. 105. ad Sixtum de lib. Arbit. chap. xxv. &c. (Witham)
Ver. 17. For
the Scripture saith to Pharao, &c. St. Paul had shewn that there was no injustice in God by his giving special graces
to the elect; now he shews that God cannot be accounted unjust for leaving the reprobate in their sins, or for punishing them
as they deserve; for this purpose he brings the example of Pharao, who remained hardened against all the admonitions and chastisements
of him and his kingdom. --- Have I raised thee up, placed thee king over Egypt; I have done so many miracles before
thee, I have spared thee when thou deservedst to be punished with death, and at last shall punish thee with thy army in the
Red Sea, that my name may be known over all the earth. (Witham)
Ver. 18. And
whom he will, he hardeneth.[3] That is, permits to be hardened by their own malice, as it is divers times said in Exodus,
that Pharao hardened his heart. God, says St. Augustine, is said to harden men's hearts, not by causing their malice, but
by not giving them the free gift of his grace, by which they become hardened by their own perverse will. (Witham) --- Not
by being the cause, or author of his sin, but by withholding his grace, and so leaving him in his sin, in punishment of his
past demerits. (Challoner)
Ver. 19. &c.
Thou wilt say, therefore, to me, &c. The apostle makes objection, that if God call some, and harden, or even permit
others to be hardened, and no one resisteth, or can hinder his absolute will, why should God complain
that men are not converted? St. Paul first puts such rash and profane men in mind, that is unreasonable and impertinent for
creatures to murmur and dispute against God their Creator, when they do not comprehend the ways of his providence. --- O
man, [4] who art thou that repliest against God? This might stop the mouths, and quiet the minds of every man,
when he cannot comprehend the mysteries of predestination, of God's foreknowledge, his decrees and graces, or the manner of
reconciling them with human liberty. He may cry out with St. Paul again, (chap. xi. 33.) O the riches of the wisdom, and
of the knowledge of God! how incomprehensible are his judgments, and how unsearchable his ways! --- Shall the thing
formed, &c. Hath not the potter power, &c.[5] To teach men that they ought not to complain against God
and his providence, when they cannot comprehend his works, he puts them in mind of their origin. Every one may say to God,
with the prophet Isaias, (vi. 48.) Lord, thou art our Father, and we are but clay; thou art our Maker who framed us, and
we are all of us the work of thy hands. Hath not the potter power as he pleaseth, out of the same lump of clay to make
some vessels for honourable uses, and some for less honourable. St. Chrysostom observes very well, that this comparison must
not be extended further than the apostle designed; which was to teach us, how submissive we ought to be to God, in what we
do not understand; but we must not pretend from hence, nor from any expression in this chapter, as divers heretics have done,
that as vessels of clay are destitute of free will and liberty, so are men. This is against the doctrine of the Catholic Church,
and against the Scriptures, in many places. (Witham) --- The potter. This similitude is used, only to shew that we
are not to dispute with our Maker: nor to reason with him why he does not give as much grace to one as to another: for since
the whole lump of our clay is vitiated by sin, it is owing to his goodness and mercy that he makes out of it so many vessels
of honour; and it is no more than just that others, in punishment of their unrepented sins, should be given up to be vessels
of dishonour. (Challoner)
Ver. 22-23.
And if God, &c. He now gives the reason why God might, without any injustice, have mercy on some, and not on others;
grant particular graces and favours to his elect, and not equally to all; because all mankind was become liable to damnation
by original sin: the clay that all are made of, is a sinful clay; and as St. Augustine says, was become a lump and mass of
damnation. Every one had sinned in Adam. Now, if out of this sinful lump and multitude God, to shew the richness of his
glory, and superabundant mercy, hath chosen some as vessels of election, whom he hath decreed to save, and by special
graces and favours to make partakers of his heavenly kingdom; and to shew his justice and hatred of sin, hath left
others as vessels of his wrath and justice, to be lost in their sins, which for a time he bears patiently with,
when they deserved present punishment, who can say that he hath done unjustly? (Witham)
Ver. 24. &c.
Whom also he hath called, &c. That is, he hath called some of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles,
to be vessels of election, as he foretold by his prophet Osee, (ii. 24.) I will call them my people, that were not my people,...and
I will make them the children of the living God. And as it was also foretold by the prophet Isaias, of all the
numerous nation of the Jews, only a remnant shall be saved, by their obstinacy in not receiving, and refusing to believe
in, their Messias. For finishing his word, and reducing it by his justice to a little, because the Lord will bring to pass
his word reducing it to a small compass upon the earth. The sense and construction of this verse is equally obscure in
the Greek and in the Latin text: the true sense seems to be, that finishing his word, or fulfilling his promises to
Israel, those that are to be saved, will be reduced by his justice for their sins, to a few; because, though
he bring to pass his word, and his promises, the saved among the Israelites will be reduced to a small compass, in
comparison of the great number of the Gentiles. This exposition agrees with the rest of the text, and with what follows, and
was foretold by Isaias, (chap. i. 9.) that unless the God of Sabaoth (of hosts) had, through his mercy, left
them a seed, a small number, they would all in a manner have deserved to be utterly destroyed, like Sodom and Gomorrha.
(Witham) --- What I say, shall come to pass, that in those places, viz. Greece, Italy, &c. where those who are strangers
to the worship of the true God dwell, and have been called, on account of their profane worship, not my people. In
those very places, they shall receive the true worship of God, and by this means shall become and be called the children
of the living God. He is so particular as to place, lest the Jews should imagine that the Gentiles would be converted
like their former proselytes, and either dwell in Judea, or repair to it at certain stated times. Thus the apostle repeats
what Jesus Christ had before said to the Samaritan woman. The hour will come when neither in this mountain, nor in Jerusalem,
shall you adore the Father. (Estius) (John iv.) --- A remnant. That is, a small number only of the children
of Israel shall be converted and saved. How perversely is this text quoted for the salvation of men of all religions,
when it speaks only of the converts of the children of Israel. (Challoner) --- St. Paul is here speaking of the reprobation
of the Jews, and of the vocation of the Gentiles, and foretells that a remnant, or small number of the children of Israel
shall be converted, and saved. In the sense of St. Paul, we sincerely hope, and confidently trust, that a remnant of all will
be saved through a timely conversion. But we no where read, in the Old, or New Scriptures, that a remnant
of all will be saved, as if it were a matter of indifference to what society or connexion a Christian was joined. (Haydock)
Ver. 30-32.
What then shall we say? Or what shall we conclude from these testimonies of the Scripture, but this paradox, as St.
Chrysostom calls it, that they who sought for justice, or sanctification, found it not, and they who did not seek it, found
it; that is, the Jews, who sought for this justice by the works of their law, which they magnified so much, have not attained
to that law that could make them just; whereas the Gentiles, who had no such written law to confide in, have only sought
to be justified by the faith and law of Christ, by which they have met with justice, and sanctification? (Witham) ---
Behold what was wanting to the justice of the Jews! Scrupulous observers of the ceremonial law: esteeming too much their power,
and pretended justice, they regarded the gospel and faith in Christ as of no advantage. Running in the path of the commandments
with zeal, but without circumspection, they struck against Jesus Christ, who became to them a stumbling-block. They rejected
him: they refused to believe. Thus did their works become dead works, without any fruit for eternity. (Calmet)
Ver. 33. Why
then have not the Jews been justified? because they stumbled at the stumbling-stone: that is, the doctrine of Christ
crucified has been a scandal to the Jews, at which being offended, they would not own him for their Messias. Yet whosoever
believeth in him, and follows his law and doctrine, shall not be confounded, but obtain justification and salvation.
[1] Ver. 3. Anathema esse a Christo, anathema einai apo
tou Christou. From anathesthai. See anathema, and anathema
in Legh's critic. sac. See St. Chrysostom, hom. xiv. p. 136. Ed. Sav. where he says, that to expound St. Paul, as if he wished
to die for Christ's sake, is a childish exposition, not worthy of the great charity of St. Paul, that is deserves no confutation: ouk
esti tauta, ouk esti....oude gar antilegein pros taouta axion. He thinks that St. Paul was willing to be separated,
not from the love of Christ, (God forbid) but from the glory of the kingdom of heaven; Pag. 135. allotriothenai
ouchi tes agapes autou, me genoito, alla tes apolauseos ekeines kai tes doxes.
[2] Ver. 5. Qui est super omnes Deus benedictus in sæcula. Amen. o
on ep ponton theos eulogetos eis tous aionas, Amen.
[3] Ver. 18. Et quem vult indurat. &c. St. Augustine, lib. de
Gra. & Lib. Arb. chap. 23. Deus induravit cor Pharaonis, & ipse Pharao per Liberum Arbitrium. Quærimus meritum obdurationis
& invenimus: merito namque peccati, universa massa damnata est: nec obdurat Deus impertiendo malitiam, sed non impertiendo
misericordiam:....quærimus autem meritum misericordiæ, nec invenimus: quia nullum est, ne gratia evacuetur, si non gratis
donetur, sed meritis redditur. Obduratio Dei est, nolle miserere, &c. Pharao, says St. Chrysostom, was a vessel of anger,
but this was from himself; kai par eautou.
[4] Ver. 20. O homo, tu quis es? &c. The apostle, says St. Chrysostom,
(p. 141.) does not say, that this cannot be answered, but that such questions are impertinent, because we cannot understand
what God does, &c. ou legei oti adunaton toiauta luein, &c.
[5] Ver. 21. Annon potestatem habet figulus, &c.? St. Chrysostom (p.
142.) expressly takes notice, that we must not by this comparison pretend that man has not free-will, &c. entautha
ou to autexousion anairon. &c.
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Bible Text & Cross-references:
The apostle's concern for the Jews. God's election is
free, and not confined to their nation.
1 I speak the truth in Christ, I lie not, my conscience bearing me witness
in the Holy Ghost:
2 That I have great sadness, and continual sorrow in my heart.
3 *For I wished myself to be an anathema from Christ, for my brethren,
who are my kinsmen according to the flesh,
4 Who are Israelites, to whom belongeth the adoption of sons, and the
glory, and the covenant, and the giving of the law, and the worship, and the promises:
5 Whose are the fathers, and of whom is Christ according to the flesh,
who is over all things, God blessed for ever. Amen.
6 Not as though the word of God hath failed. For all are not Israelites
that are of Israel:
7 Neither are all they, who are the seed of Abraham, children: *but in
Isaac shall thy seed be called:
8 That is to say, not they who are the children of the flesh, are the
children of God: but they *that are the children of the promise, are counted for the seed.
9 For this is the word of promise: *According to this time will I come:
and Sara shall have a son.
10 And not only she: *but when Rebecca also had conceived at once, by
Isaac, our father.
11 For when the children were not yet born, nor had done any good
or evil, (that the purpose of God according to election might stand)
12 Not of works, but of him that calleth, it was said to her:
13 *That the elder shall serve the younger, as it is written: Jacob I
have loved, but Esau I have hated.
14 What shall we say then? Is there injustice with God? God forbid.
15 For he saith to Moses: *I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy:
and I will shew mercy to whom I will shew mercy.
16 So then it is not of him that willeth, nor of him that runneth, but
of God that sheweth mercy.
17 For the Scripture saith to Pharao: *To this purpose have I raised
thee up, that I may shew my power in thee: and that my name may be declared throughout all the earth.
18 Therefore he hath mercy on whom he will, and whom he will he hardeneth.
19 Thou wilt say, therefore, to me: Why doth he then find fault? For
who resisteth his will?
20 O man, who art thou that repliest against God? *Shall the thing formed
say to him that formed it: Why hast thou made me thus?
21 Or hath not the potter power over the clay, of the same lump, to make
one vessel unto honour, and another unto dishonour?
22 And if God, willing to shew his wrath, and to make his power known,
endured with much patience vessels of wrath, fitted for destruction,
23 That he might shew the riches of his glory upon the vessels of mercy,
which he hath prepared unto glory.
24 Even us, whom also he hath called, not of the Jews only, but
also of the Gentiles,
25 As he saith in Osee: *I will call the my people, that were not my
people: and her beloved, that was not beloved: and her, that had not obtained mercy, one that hath obtained mercy.
26 *And it shall be, in the place where it was said to them: you are
not my people: there they shall be called the children of the living God.
27 And Isaias crieth out concerning Israel: *If the number of the children
of Israel be as the sand of the sea, a remnant shall be saved.
28 For he shall finish his word, and cut it short in justice: because
a short word shall the Lord make upon the earth.
29 And as Isaias foretold:* unless the Lord of sabaoth had left us a
seed, we had been made as Sodom, and we had been like unto Gomorrha.
30 What then shall we say? That the Gentiles, who followed not after
justice, have attained to justice: even the justice that is of faith.
31 But Israel, by following after the law of justice, is not come to
the law of justice.
32 Why so? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were
of works: for they stumbled at the stumbling-stone;
33 As it is written: *Behold I lay in Sion a stumbling-stone, and a rock
of scandal: and whosoever believeth in him, shall not be confounded.
3: Acts ix. 2.; 1 Corinthians xv. 9.
7: Genesis xxi. 12.
8: Galatians iv. 28.
9: Genesis xviii. 10.
10: Genesis xxv. 24.
13: Genesis xxv. 23.; Malachias i. 2.
15: Exodus xxxiii. 19.
17: Exodus ix. 16.
20: Wisdom xv. 7.; Isaias xlv. 9.; Jeremias xviii. 6.
25: Osee ii. 24.; 1 Peter ii. 10.
26: Osee i. 10.
27: Isaias x. 22.
29: Isaias i. 9.
33: Isaias viii. 14. and xxviii. 16.; 1 Peter ii. 7.
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