Matthew xiii.
Notes & Commentary:
Ver. 1.
On the same day Jesus left the house, in which he had performed the miracle, and delivered the preceding discourse, and sat
himself down on the shore of the sea of Galilee, where multitudes crowded unto him.
Ver. 3. To them
he spoke many things, from a ship, in parables; probably many more than are here recorded. By familiar and well-known objects,
Jesus Christ would thus convey more pleasingly his divine instructions, and teach them to spiritualize their daily labours,
and by natural things, which meet the senses, lead them to the knowledge of things divine, which we cannot naturally comprehend.
(Haydock) --- Several reasons may be assigned why our Lord made use of parables: 1st. The lively imagination of the Orientals
made them relish these figurative expressions, which awaken the attention, and exercise the understanding. 2d. The indisposition
of his hearers made him frequently veil his instructions under similitudes or parables; but in private, he expounded the meaning
to his disciples, who were better disposed, and was ever ready to give every necessary and satisfactory explanation to as
many as sincerely wished for it. --- A third motive, given by St. Matthew, was the accomplishment of the prophecies; for one
of the characteristics of the Messias was, that he would express himself in this parabolical manner; and Jesus Christ was
pleased that the most minute circumstances should be fulfilled in his person, in order that the resemblance between him and
the ancient prophets, in the mode of instructing, might induce the Jews to consider him as the great prophet, foretold by
Moses. There are few Christians that do not dwell with delight and improvement on our Lord's parables. Their imagination,
warmed with the singular beauty of the imagery, more easily retains them; and the greatest geniuses have ever esteemed them
as very superior and striking lessons of morality and religion. --- In his sermon on the mount, Jesus Christ
does not make use of parables to convey his instructions to the Jews, for then his auditors were composed of a mixed multitude,
and the major part of them illiterate people; but here, on the contrary, they are the Scribes and Pharisees, the doctors of
the law. (St. Chrysostom) --- Jesus Christ speaks sometimes in plain, and sometimes in obscure terms, that, by what they understand,
they may be led to the search of what they do not understand. (St. Jerome)
Ver. 4. And
whilst he soweth. St. Matthew and St. Mark subjoin the following parables to what goes before, but St. Luke places the
parable of the sower immediately after the second journey through Galilee, which he anticipates. Jesus Christ successively
proposed four parables to the people, and then dismissed them; and being now retired with his disciples, he unfolded to them
the meaning of the parables when in the house. (ver. 36) St. Matthew, however, interrupts the course of the parables, and
after the first, anticipates the request of the disciples to have it explained; but from St. Mark, we learn that this did
not take place till Christ was alone in the house. Of the eight parables, all spoken by Jesus on the same day, the first five
were addressed to the people assembled on the sea-shore, the other three were added by him when alone with the apostles in
the house, and are in some measure explanations of the former. In the first, we see the different success of the word of God
from the different dispositions of the hearers. And as we find that only one-fourth part of the seed produced fruit, we may
thence infer how many and great are the obstacles in the way of salvation, and how few will be the number of the elect. (Haydock)
Ver. 5. Had
no deepness of earth; and therefore the seed, not able to shoot downwards, shot upwards, and for want of necessary moisture
and nutriment, was burned by the scorching heat of the sun.
Ver. 8. Some
a hundred-fold. This difference of fruits is the difference of merits here, and of the rewards hereafter,
according to the diversity of states, &c. St. Augustine, in his work, (de Virginitate, chap. xliv, and seq.)
saith, that the hundred-fold agreeth with professed virgins; the sixty-fold with religious widows; the thirty-fold with married
persons. This old heretic, Jovinian, and many of modern date, deny, affirming that there is no difference of merits or
rewards. (St. Jerome, lib. ii. adv. Jovin.; St. Ambrose, ep. lxxxii.; St. Augustine, ep. lxxxii.) (Bristow)
Ver. 9.
He that hath ears to hear. By these words, we are exhorted to examine the meaning of the parables. (St. Jerome) See
Chap. xi. 15. --- We are also taught that not all, but only such as have had the sense of the Scriptures opened to their understanding
from above, can properly understand them. The apostles themselves were in ignorance till Jesus Christ gave them the true meaning:
aperuit illis sensum, ut intelligerent Scripturas: "he opened their understanding, that they might understand the Scriptures."
(St. Luke xxiv. 45.) It is God who speaketh in the Scripture, and it is God who giveth us to understand what is therein delivered.
His truths he conceals from the proud, while he reveals them to the little and humble. How can any persons pretend that the
most mysterious, as well as the most sacred book in the world, is open to every understanding? St. Paul (Acts xiii. 26.) tells
the Jews, that although the Scriptures were read to them every sabbath-day, their very rulers did not understand them; and
St. Peter, in his 2d Epistle (2 Peter iii. 17.) assures us, that there are many passage hard to be understood. --- All comes
from God. It is He who openeth our ears to hear, our heart to believe, and our mind to understand. Agar was near a well, and
yet she wept, because she had no water to give her son to drink. God opened her eyes, and she saw the well that was
close to her. Thus, says Origen, we may read the Scripture, and find no nourishment for the soul, unless God opens our mind,
to see therein on what we are to nourish it. It contains salutary waters, but only those can be benefited by them, who see
how to drink of the heavenly source. It is the Holy Ghost alone who can effectually open our eyes, to see these waters that
spring up to life eternal; and this special grace we are to obtain by humble and fervent prayer. Knock, and it shall be
opened to you.
Ver. 10. And
his disciples came. How great was the concern of the apostles for the welfare of their countrymen. They did not say to
Jesus, Why speakest thou thus to us; but, why speakest thou to them in parables? (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Ver. 11. To
you it is given. The mysteries of the kingdom of God are not disclosed to the Scribes and Pharisees, who were unwilling
to believe in him, (though it was the duty and occupation of the Scribes to expound the sacred oracles to others) but to those
who adhered closely to Christ, and believed in him: let us therefore run in company with the apostles to Jesus Christ, that
he may disclose to us the mysteries of his gospel. (St. Thomas Aquinas) --- Can we then suppose, for a single moment, that
the mere putting of a Bible into every man's hand, will convert the world. The command given to the apostles and their successors
in the ministry is, Go ye, therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, &c. teaching
them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you. And lo, I am with you all days, even to the end of the world.
(St. Matthew xxviii. 20). There is not a single word to them about writing. During 2,500 years, from Adam to Moses,
were the patriarchal families and other servants of God in a state of ignorance, concerning either the positive instructions
of the Almighty respecting the sabbath-day, the rites of sacrifice, or their moral duties? Yet there was no Scripture during
all that period. For more than 400 years after Jesus Christ, the canon of Scripture, as now generally received by Protestants,
remained unsettled. Had the apostles and evangelists done nothing more than publish their writings, and disseminate them to
every pagan country, not a single nation, not a single pagan, would have abandoned their gods to believe in a crucified Jesus.
--- To them it is not given; i.e. to such as are unworthy, and by hardening their hearts, have made themselves unworthy.
Ver. 12. But
he that hath not, from him shall be taken away even that which he hath. We read again, (Matthew xxv. 29.) That also
which he seemeth to have, shall be taken away; and in St. Luke, (Chap. viii. 18.) That also which he thinketh he
hath. One passage helps to expound another: so that each of these texts, with a little reflection, will be found true;
and such a truth, as ought to be a subject of fear and apprehension to all that are negligent and indolent in the service
of God. For, as St. Augustine observes, they who have received graces and favours from God, and have not made good use and
profited by them, they may be said not to have them, although they are not yet take from them. And why? but because
they make no more use of them, than if they had them not. See the parables of the talents, Matthew xxv, and Luke xix. (Witham)
--- He that hath, to him shall be given the knowledge of the mysteries of the kingdom of God. But such as are incredulous,
and resist my words, like the Pharisees and other Jews, so far from being enriched with my spiritual gifts in my kingdom,
shall even be deprived of the benefits they now possess. Thus the Jews were deprived of their temple, priesthood, kingdom,
and even the true worship of God. (St. Jerome) --- They rejected Jesus Christ, the fountain and corner-stone of virtue; all
therefore they had acquired, or possessed, shall be taken from them, and given to the apostles. (St. Jerome) --- Whoever has
a desire of complying with the divine precepts, that desire shall not only be increased, but all other virtues shall be added
unto him; but if he be devoid of this desire, the virtues he already possesses, or seems to possess, shall be taken from him,
not that God will deprive him of these without cause, but he will render himself unworthy of them. (St. Chrysostom)
Ver. 13. Because
seeing they see not, &c. i.e. they see not as they might, and ought to do, by shutting their eyes against the lights
given them. --- Therefore do I speak to them in parables: because seeing they see not, &c. This passage, by which
the prophet Isaias (vi. 9.) was ordered to foretell the obstinate blindness of the Jews, in refusing to receive and believe
in their Messias, is cited six times in the New Testament; to wit, here in St. Matthew, also Mark iv. 14[12?]; Luke viii.
10; John xii. 40; Acts xxviii. 26; and Romans xi. 8. In all these places we must detest the false interpretation of those
who, not without heresy and blasphemy, would have God to be the author and cause of sin. When it is said, (Isaias vi. 9.)
blind the heart of this people, &c. the prophet is only commanded to foretell their blindness, of which, by their
wilful obstinacy, they were the true cause. And when we read in St. Mark, that to those that are without, all things are
done in parables, that seeing they may see, and not see, &c. the word that does not signify the cause,
nor the end, but only the event, and the consequence of what would happen by the wilful blindness of
the Jews, and by the just permission of God. St. Matthew here expounds to us the words of the prophet, by which it
clearly appears that they were the cause of their own blindness; and that, by their obstinacy, they had made themselves unworthy
of particular lights from God. For the heart of this people (ver. 18.[15.?]) is grown gross ... and their eyes they
have shut, &c. The Jews therefore shut their own eyes, hardened their own hearts, which God only permitted. See Romans
ix. 18. &c. (Witham) --- If this blindness were natural, then indeed I would have opened their eyes to see and understand,
but since this blindness is voluntary, he says, that seeing they see not, and hearing, they hear not; i.e. they have
seen me cast out devils, and they said, in Beelzebub he casteth out devils; they heard I drew all to God, and they
say, this man cometh not from God. Since, therefore, they assert the very contrary to what they both see and hear,
the gift of seeing and hearing me shall be taken away from them.
Ver. 15. And
should be converted. In this the prophet shews the atrocity of the Jewish wickedness, and the malice of their hearts,
but that he may attach them to God, their Father, he immediately subjoins, lest being converted, I should heal them;
and this he says, in order to manifest to them the goodness of God, if they would repent. (St. Chrysostom in St. Thomas Aquinas)
--- There is some difference between the text of Isaias, given by St. Matthew, and the original. But we have elsewhere observed,
that the evangelists attend more to the sense than the words. The Septuagint have translated this text in the
same manner. The prophecy here mentioned regarded the Jews in the time of Isaias, according to the strict letter, but still
more particularly the Jews in the time of Christ. (Bible de Vence) --- They were authors of their own blindness, sin, damnation,
and not Jesus Christ, as Calvin teaches. See also Acts xxviii. and Romans i. and ix. 18. &c. God is not the author
of evil. (Bristow)
Ver. 16. But
blessed are your eyes. As the eyes of such as see and will not believe are miserable, so, he says, blessed are your eyes;
you see my miracles, you hear my heavenly doctrines, &c. (St. Aquinas) --- Had we not read in a preceding part, that Christ
exhorted his auditors to search after the knowledge of his words, we might perhaps have thought that Jesus here spoke of corporal
eyes and ears; but the eyes here mentioned, seem to me to be those which can discern the mysteries of Christ. (St. Jerome
in St. Thomas Aquinas)
Ver. 17. Amen,
I say to you. St. Jerome remarks, that these words of our Saviour seem to contradict another part of Scripture, where
it is said, Abraham desired to see my days; he saw them, and rejoiced. But St. Jerome answers his own objection thus:
Abraham indeed saw my days, but only in a dark manner, in enigma, but not in reality, whilst you have your Lord with you;
you speak to him, and interrogate him at pleasure. (St. Aquinas) --- Christ declares his disciples more blessed than the ancient
patriarchs and prophets. ... They saw him only by faith, but the disciples with their corporal eyes. (St. Chrysostom)
Ver. 19. When
any one heareth. This seed falleth upon four different kinds of soil, which represent four different sorts of persons.
The 1st, such as continue obdurate in vice; the 2d, such as are unsteady and inconstant in their good resolutions; the 3d,
such as are absorbed in the cares and pleasures of life; the 4th, such as have every proper disposition for receiving the
word of God with fruit. --- There cometh the wicked one, o poneros, the devil, and taketh away the word
that was sown in their hearts, lest believing they should be saved. (Haydock)
Ver. 21. And
suffers shipwreck in his faith. (Maldonatus)
Ver. 24. Another
parable he proposed. As in the preceding parable our Lord spoke of those who did not receive the word, so in this he speaks
of those who receive the corrupted word; for it is a diabolical machination to confound error with truth. (St. Chrysostom
in St. Thomas Aquinas) --- There are three things worthy of observation in this parable. 1st. That the Church of God on earth
consists of both good and bad; the 2d. that God is not the author of evil; the 3d. that God does not always punish the wicked
on the spot, but patiently bears with them. (Menochius)
Ver. 25. Were
asleep. When the superiors or pastors of the Church were lulled asleep or negligent, or, when the apostles were dead,
as St. Augustine expounds it, the devil spread the tares or error and sin amongst a great number of Christians. These falling
from the state of grace, or becoming heretics, are yet mingled with the rest of the faithful in the same outward profession
of Christianity, not unlike the good corn and cockle in the same field.
Ver. 27. Then
the servants. St. Chrysostom observes, there are many circumstances in the parables that have no connexion with the instruction
designed to be conveyed in the parables, and which are merely added to connect the different parts together.
Ver. 29. No,
lest, &c. The prayers of repenting sinners are never despised. We are taught also by this example not to cut off too
hastily a fallen brother; for, whatever he may be to-day, to-morrow perhaps he may see his error and embrace the truth. (St.
Jerome). --- Jesus Christ exhorts us to bear with infidels and heretics, not on our own account only, as wicked men are frequently
of use to the virtuous, but also on their account; for sometimes the persons who have been corrupted and perverted, will return
to the paths of virtue and truth. Let, therefore, both grow until the harvest, i.e. to the day of judgment, when the power
of rectifying another's error shall be no more. (St. Augustine in St. Thomas Aquinas) --- When many are implicated in one
misfortune, what remains but to bewail their condition. Let us then be willing to correct our brethren to the utmost of our
power, but let it be always with mercy, charity and compassion; what we cannot correct, let us bear with patience, permitting
what God permits, and interceding with him to move and convert their hearts. But when an opportunity offers, let us publicly
advocate the truth, and condemn error. (St. Jerome) --- St. Augustine affirms, that no one should be compelled by force to
an unity of religious tenets: such as dissent for us must be persuaded by words, overcome by argumentation, and convinced
by reason. (St. Thomas Aquinas)
Ver. 32. The
least of all seeds. That is, it is one of the least seeds; but in hot countries it is observed to grow to a considerable
height, and to become a bush or a little tree. (Witham) --- The gospel of Christ, compared in this verse to the grain of mustard
seed, has indeed little show of grandeur and human greatness. St. Paul calls it a scandal to the Jew, and a stumbling block
to the Gentile. But Jesus Christ here assures us, that when it has been spread and promulgated by his ambassadors, viz. the
apostles, it shall surpass every other mode of instruction both in fame and extent. (St. Ambrose, St. Jerome, St. Augustine)
Ver. 33. In
three measures. Sata, the word here used, was a particular Hebrew measure, which corresponds not to any particular measure
that we make use of, and therefore I have put measures, as it is in other English translations. See Walton de Ponderibus
& mensuris, before his first tome, p. 42. (Witham) --- It was the Seah of the Jews, the third part of the Epha,
and contained about ten pints, and appears to be the ordinary quantity they baked at a time. (Bible de Vence) --- By the woman
here mentioned, St. Jerome understands the Church gathered from all nations; or the power and wisdom of God, according to
St. Augustine.
Ver. 35. By
the prophet. It is taken from Psalm lxxvii. 2. St. Jerome remarks that many copies have, Isaias, the prophet, but
supposes that the evangelist wrote, Asaph, the prophet, to whom the title of this psalm seems to attribute it; but
it was probably chanted by Asaph, and composed by David, who is simply characterized under the name of prophet, because
he prophesied in composing his canticles. (Bible de Vence)
Ver. 44. Like
unto a treasure. This hidden treasure is the gospel of Christ, which conducts to the kingdom of heaven. Thus he who by
the knowledge which the gospel affords, has found the kingdom of heaven, should purchase it at the expense of every thing
most near and dear to him: he cannot pay too great a price for his purchase.
Ver. 46. This
eternal kingdom faith opens to your view, but it does not put you in possession without good works. (Bible de Vence)
Ver. 52. Every
scribe; i.e. master or teacher. (Witham) --- Because you know how invaluable is the treasure, the pearl, the kingdom,
here mentioned; you, who are scribes and teachers, should cultivate it yourselves, and communicate the same blessing to others.
Thus imitating a father of a family, who draws from his treasure both new and old things, and distributes them to his children,
according to their several wants and necessities. This was a proverbial expression with the Jews, to signify every thing useful
or necessary for the provision of a family. (St. Jerome, St. Augustine, St. Chrysostom, Ven. Bede, and Tirinus.) --- Thus
also a pastor of souls throws light upon the mysteries of the New Testament, by the figures of the Old, and explains the workings
of grace, by the operations of nature.
Ver. 55. Is
not this the carpenter's son?[1] I find carpenter in all translations, though the Greek word signifies, in general, a
workman or craftsman. The Latin is also a general word, which of itself signifies no more a carpenter than a smith.
But the common belief of the faithful is, that St. Joseph was a carpenter, which may be confirmed by what Theodoret relates
(lib. iii. Hist. chap. xviii.) of one Libanius, under Julian the apostate, who asking scornfully of a holy man, what the carpenter's
son was doing at that time? the holy man made him this smart reply, that he was making a coffin for Julian; who was killed
not long after. (Witham) --- O! how truly astonishing is the stupidity of the Nazareans! They wonder whence wisdom itself
possesses wisdom, and virtue itself virtue. The reason is evident: they only considered him as the son of a carpenter. (St.
Jerome) --- Was not David the son of an husbandman, and Amos a shepherd? They should then have honoured our Lord, when they
heard him speak in this manner. What wonderful mildness in Christ! Though calumniated and reviled, he still answers with the
greatest humility and charity, a prophet is not without honour, save in his own country. (ver. 57.) (St. Chrysostom
in St. Thomas Aquinas) --- His brethren. These were the children of Mary, the wife of Cleophas, sister
of our blessed Lady; (Matthew xxviii. 56.; John xix. 25.) and therefore, according to the usual style of the Scripture, they
were called brethren, that is, near relations to our Saviour. (Challoner)
[1] Ver. 55. Fabri filius. tou tektonos, artificis.
St. Hilary (Can. or cap. xiv. in Matt. p. 678. Ed. Ben.) thought that St. Joseph wrought with fire and iron. We find in a
manner the same in St. Ambrose, Lib. iii. in Luc. in initio. p. 52. See also St. Chrysologus, Serm. xlviii. St. Justin (Dialogo
cum Tryphone, p.69) says, Christ made aratra and juga; and in the Greek edition, (Parisiis, an. 1551, p. 93) arotra
kai zuga. Theodoret, (lib. iii. Hist. chap. xviii, p. 656) Sandalipam fabricat, glossokomon ... kataskeuazei.
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Bible Text & Cross-references:
The parables of the sower of the cockle: of the mustard
seed, &c.
1 The same day Jesus going out of the house, sat by the sea-side.
2 *And great multitudes were gathered unto him, so that he went up into
a boat and sat: and all the multitudes stood on the shore.
3 And he spoke to them many things in parables, saying: Behold the sower
went forth to sow;
4 And whilst he soweth, some fell by the way side, and the birds of the
air came and ate them up.
5 And other some fell upon stony ground, where they had not much earth:
and they sprung up immediately, because they had no deepness of earth.
6 And when the sun was up, they were scorched: and because they had not
root, they withered away.
7 And others fell among thorns: and the thorns grew up and choaked them.
8 And others fell upon good ground: and they brought forth fruit, some
a hundred-fold, some sixty-fold, and some thirty-fold.
9 He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
10 And his disciples came and said to him: Why speakest thou to them
in parables?
11 He answered and said to them: Because to you it is given to know the
mysteries of the kingdom of heaven: but to them it is not given.
12 *For he that hath, to him shall be given, and he shall abound, but
he that hath not, from him shall be taken away even that which he hath.
13 Therefore do I speak to them in parables: because seeing they see
not, and hearing they hear not, neither do they understand.
14 And the prophecy of Isaias is fulfilled in them, who saith: *By hearing
you shall hear, and shall not understand: and seeing you shall see, and shall not perceive.
15 For the heart of this people is grown gross, and with their ears they
have been dull of hearing, and their eyes they have shut: lest at any time they should see with their eyes, and hear with
their ears, and understand with their heart, and be converted, and I should heal them.
16 But blessed are your eyes, because they see, and your ears, because
they hear.
17 *For, amen, I say to you, many prophets and just men have desired
to see the things that you see, and have not seen them: and to hear the things that you hear, and have not heard them.
18 Hear you therefore the parable of the sower.
19 When any one heareth the word of the kingdom, and understandeth it
not, there cometh the wicked one, and catcheth away that which was sown in his heart: this is he that received the seed by
the way side.
20 And he who received the seed upon stony ground, is he that heareth
the word, and immediately receiveth it with joy.
21 Yet hath he not root in himself, but is only for a time: and when
there arise tribulation and persecution because of the word, he is presently scandalized.
22 And he who received the seed among thorns, is he that heareth the
word, and the care of this world and the deceitfulness of riches choak up the word, and he becometh fruitless.
23 But he who received the seed into good ground, is he that heareth
the word, and understandeth and beareth fruit, and yieldeth one a hundred-fold, and another sixty, and another thirty.
24 *Another parable he proposed to them, saying: The kingdom of heaven
is likened to a man that sowed good seeds in his field.
25 But while men were asleep, his enemy came and oversowed cockle among
the wheat, and went his way.
26 And when the blade was sprung up, and brought forth fruit, then appeared
also the cockle.
27 Then the servants of the master of the house came and said to him:
Master, didst thou not sow good seed in thy field? from whence then hath it cockle?
28 And he said to them: An enemy hath done this. And the servants said
to him: Wilt thou that we go and gather it up?
29 And he said: No, lest perhaps while ye gather up the cockle, you root
up the wheat also together with it.
30 Let both grow until the harvest, and in the time of the harvest I
will say to the reapers: Gather up first the cockle, and bind it into bundles to burn, but gather the wheat into my barn.
31 *Another parable he proposed to them, saying: The kingdom of heaven
is like to a grain of mustard seed, which a man took and sowed in his field.
32 Which indeed is the least of all seeds: but when it is grown up, it
is greater than any herbs, and becometh a tree, so that the birds of the air come, and dwell in the branches thereof.
33 Another parable he spoke to them: *The kingdom of heaven is like to
leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal, until the whole was leavened.
34 All these things Jesus spoke in parables to the multitudes: and without
parables he did not speak to them.
35 That the word might be fulfilled which was spoken by the prophet,
saying: *I will open my mouth in parables, I will utter things hidden from the foundation of the world.
36 *Then having sent away the multitudes, he came into the house, and
his disciples came to him, saying: Explain to us the parable of the cockle in the field.
37 He made answer, and said to them: He that soweth the good seed, is
the Son of man.
38 And the field is the world. And the good seed are the children of
the kingdom. And the cockle are the children of the wicked one.
39 And the enemy that sowed them, is the devil. *But the harvest is the
end of the world. And the reapers are the angels.
40 Even as cockle therefore is gathered up, and burnt with fire, so shall
it be at the end of the world.
41 The Son of man shall send his angels, and they shall gather out of
his kingdom all scandals, and them that work iniquity.
42 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be weeping
and gnashing of teeth.
43 *Then shall the just shine as the sun, in the kingdom of their Father.
He that hath ears to hear, let him hear.
44 The kingdom of heaven is like unto a treasure hidden in a field: which,
when a man hath found, he hideth, and for joy thereof goeth, and selleth all that he hath, and buyeth that field.
45 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like to a merchant seeking good pearls.
46 Who when he had found one pearl of great price, went his way, and
sold all that he had, and bought it.
47 Again, the kingdom of heaven is like to a net cast into the sea, and
gathering together of all kind of fishes.
48 Which, when it was filled, they drew out, and sitting by the shore
they chose out the good into vessels, but the bad they cast forth.
49 So shall it be at the end of the world, the angels shall go out, and
shall separate the wicked from among the just.
50 And shall cast them into the furnace of fire: there shall be weeping
and gnashing of teeth.
51 Have ye understood all these things? They say to him: Yea.
52 He said unto them: Therefore every scribe instructed in the kingdom
of heaven, is like to a master of a house, who bringeth forth out of his treasure new things and old.
53 And it came to pass, when Jesus had finished these parables, he departed
from thence.
54 *And coming into his own country he taught them in their synagogues,
so that they wondered, and said: How came this man by this wisdom, and miracles?
55 *Is not this the carpenter's son? Is not his mother called Mary; and
his brethren James, and Joseph, and Simon, and Jude?
56 And his sisters, are they not all with us? Whence then hath he all
these things?
57 And they were scandalized in his regard. But Jesus said to them: A
prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house.
58 And he wrought not many miracles there, because of their unbelief.
2: about the year A.D. 31.; Mark iv. 1.; Luke viii. 4.
12: Matthew xxv. 29.
14: Isaias vi. 9.; Mark iv. 12.; Luke viii. 10.; John xii. 40.; Acts
xxviii. 26.; Romans xi. 8.
17: Luke x. 24.
24: Mark iv. 26.
31: Mark iv. 31.; Luke xiii. 19.
33: Luke xiii. 21.
35: Psalm lxxvii. 2.
36: Mark iv. 34.
39: Apocalypse xiv. 15.
43: Wisdom iii. 7.; Daniel xii. 3.
54: Mark vi. 1.; Luke iv. 16.
55: John vi. 42.
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