EXODUS - Introduction
The second Book of Moses is called Exodus from the Greek word Exodos,
which signifies going out; because it contains the history of the going out of the children of Israel out of
Egypt. The Hebrews, from the words with which it begins, call it Veelle Shemoth: These are the names. (Challoner) ---
It contains the space of 145 years, till the beginning of the second year after the liberation of the Israelites. (Tirinus)
--- Their slavery is described in the first chapters; and is supposed to have continued ninety years. (Du Hamel) --- The laws
prescribed by God to his people, the sacrifices, tabernacle, &c., were all intended to prefigure the Christian dispensation.
(St. Augustine, City of God vii. 31.) --- Moses himself was a type of Jesus Christ, who was rejected by the synagogue, and
received by the Gentiles, as the Jewish Legislator was abandoned by his mother, and educated by the Egyptian princess. She
delivers him back to his mother; and thus the Jews will, at last, acknowledge our Saviour. (Du Hamel) --- God deigns to address
his people in the character of a powerful Eastern monarch, and requires the like attention. He appoints his ministers, like
guards, to attend before his tabernacle, &c. The laws which he enacts, are such as suited the Jewish people: they were
not able to rise all at once to perfection; but these laws guide them, as it were, on the road. They are infinitely more perfect
than those of the surrounding nations. (Calmet)